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A Message for Peace and Liberty. I support Ron Paul in 2012 because he..

1) Promotes a non-interventionist foreign policy (End costly foreign entanglements, bring troops home, stop nation building and funding the military industrial complex).
2) Demands the restoration of the Constitution and rule of law (Repeal the Patriot Act, Habeus Corpus, rendition and enhanced interrogation).
3) Respects a strong national defense (Overhaul the $40B/yr federal bureaucracy which is the intelligence apparatus and stop collecting data on citizenry).
4) Advises against a central bank (Sound commodity based monetary policy and gradual elimination of the Federal Reserve will mean greater competition and no more endless borrowing in secret while devaluating our currency and savings).
5) Has the record of defending the moral principle that the role of government should be to defend individual liberties for all (speech, religion and marriage) and that government regulation of the above should be left to the States.

The freedom message of Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty is clear, beautiful and true. Evil will flourish when good people don't act with creativity and energy to redefine the type of nation America wants to be.

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